
Stories from Grandma

Grandma Stories #1

Grandma Stories #2

Memories from the Grandchildren

"Gma made me feel safe and special. She was good to remind me everything is gonna be alright - i wish i could still hear her tell me that, cuz i always did feel better then."

"Grandma always appreciated everything to the max. Even the smallest of things she could make special"

"I loved singing with Grandma - "Show me the way to go home. I'm tired and I wanna go to bed. I had a little drink about an hour ago....""

"I remember GMama was very silly - wrestling, tickling, laughing, playing. We spent hours staring at the stucco trying to find the pictures hidden in the pattern. We'd have hot dogs in the middle of the night when we couldn't sleep. we'd make up stories about what we saw in the world. She'd dance around the kitchen, singing old songs and making up new ones. We made coffee for GMA katie, just in case she'd come to join us (Sometimes she swore Gma Katie got up first and set out the coffee cups...but that was when we were already grown up)."

"One of my memorys of grandma is how she would unwrap gifts while trying not to damage the paper. I am reminded of her every time I wrap or unwrap gifts."

"I remember when our parents put me & Ryan on a barf-laden Greyhound bus from Austin to Abilene when we were probably 5 & 7 years old. The only thing that helped erase the terror of that bus ride was seeing Grandma there at the station to pick us up. She promptly took us to get fried chicken and introduced me to the glorious combination of fried chicken and honey. She said I shouldn't eat it any other way."

"Grandma liked to go for joy rides with me in my fancy car. And even helped me land a couple dates!"

"I remember going alone to visiting Grandma when I was younger - I would go shopping with her, and then she'd buy me a toy and a treat."

"I always appreciated Grandma's funky sense of style. Dull was not an option"

"Grandma was the first one to ever get me to eat squash and like it... she put it in my spaghetti."

"I remember her wonderful old house, and when Daniel accidentally peed on the living room coffee table in his sleep (again) and we were making fun of him. Grandma carefully coddled him, told us to hush, cleaned up, and then invited him to sleep with her in the big bed"